Course which turns a student into a MathematicianThe aim of the Mathematical Training and Talent Search (MTTS) programme is to expose bright young students to the excitement of doing mathematics, to promote independent mathematical thinking and to prepare them for higher aspects of mathematics.
Aviation ManagementIndian Aviation Industry is to grow at the rate of 25% in next two years. Keeping in view this expectation, there cannot be any better time than today to enter in this field. Several institutes have started courses of Aviation Management. Diploma course can be for a duration from six months to two years.
Scheme of congress government for educational loans for higher studiesScheme of Educational Loan for higher studies in India and abroad is implemented through various banks. This loan can be availed from various Nationalized Banks-institutes.
Career in EconomicsThis is the time of economic globalization time. Industrialization has grown in all the countries across the globe. Industrial production has registered growth in manifold.
Important addresses and websites for study abroadInternational English Language Testing System is introduced for verifying about command over English in the students desirous to get admission to Universities of U.K. and for determining his eligibility.
Courses for teachers and trainers for physically and mentally challenged childrenNational Institute for the Mentally Handicapped, Secunderabad is established in 1984 and managed by the Ministry of Social Welfare, Government of India. Regional Training Centers of the institute are functioning at Mumbai